“Laennec” acts as a real “life elixir”, it normalizes physiological mechanisms and functions of the body, having the properties of antioxidative protection and restoration of metabolic processes in tissues, increases general immunity, effectively heals the body in a natural way.

It is known as a powerful hepatoprotector, promoting complex rejuvenation and restoration of the body at the cellular level as well

Production of the agent is controlled at the state level in Japan, where placental therapy is included in the national health insurance program. Laennec has been successfully used for many years in South Korea, the USA, Canada and the countries of the European Union.

Laennec has a comprehensive therapeutic effect:

Makes the body healthier, eliminate chronic fatigue syndrome and increase overall tone.

Improves the quality of the skin: increase skin tone, elasticity and moisture level, enhance the synthesis of collagen and elastin, stimulate the growth of cells responsible for skin elasticity and youth.

Reduce the rehabilitation period after surgical interventions, including plastic surgery.

Treats various forms of baldness (alopecia)

An adjuvant therapy of diseases such as psoriasis, acne, dermatitis, herpes, and others.

Improve the functioning of the immune system and restores the liver and contribute to the overall detoxification of the body.

Systemically improve the functioning of all internal organs, improve cerebral circulation, relieve general strain, stress and insomnia.

The result of the agent use will be visible just after a few procedures, being visible not only because of the internal changes in well-being, but also positively affecting the appearance.