Yoni Steaming

Comfort Blend

Reduce uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse and endometriosis. Assist with the healing of haemorrhoids.

Relieve chronic vaginal/yeast infections and works to maintain healthy odour. Tone and tighten vaginal walls.

Fertility Boost Blend

Helps increase fertility. Increase cervical mucus and regulate menstrual cycle. Modulate the immune system and support hormonal balance. Thickens uterine lining for better implantation.

Flush out heavy metals, toxins and reduce inflammation. Improve egg quality.

Menopause Soothing Blend

Relieve symptoms of menopause. Assists with hot flushes and night sweats, sleep disturbance and mood symptoms caused by hormonal changes.  Helps reduce vaginal dryness.

Menstrual Balance Blend

Fights infection through its antibiotic and anti-fungal properties, balances female hormones and stimulates the production of hormones that help to maintain uterine health.

Helps to stimulate menstrual discharge and ease cramping. Increases circulation to the reproductive organs, lessens inflammation and soothes vaginal tissues.

Postpartum Healing Blend

Soothes vaginal tissues, brings circulations and cleansing to the uterus. Strengthens and tones the uterine and pelvic muscles, and is a pelvic and uterine relaxant.

Lessens inflammation and increases circulation to the reproductive organs.

Perimenopause (PMS) Blend

Promotes suppressed menses, stimulates circulation and cleansing to the uterus. Calming and soothing.

Gentle and astringent to the vaginal tissues. Strengthens and tones the uterine and pelvic muscles.

Miscarriage Healing Blend

Antiseptic, gentle astringent and antispasmodic. Has sedative properties, is soothing and promotes suppressed menses.

Lessens inflammation and cleanses the uterus.

Yoni Steaming FAQ

Benefits of Yoni Steaming
  • Regulate irregular or absent menstrual cycles
  • Increase fertility
  • Speed healing and tone the reproductive system after birth
  • Reduce uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse & endometriosis
  • Assist with the repair of a vaginal tear, episiotomy, or C-section scar
  • Assist with the healing of haemorrhoids
  • Relieve chronic vaginal/yeast infections, and works to maintain healthy odour
  • Ease symptoms of menopause including dryness or pain during intercourse
Are There People Who Should Avoid Steaming?

Yes. Do not steam if:

  • You are currently menstruating
  • You are currently pregnant
What if I am Trying to Conceive?

If you are actively trying to conceive using the BlaqueSigma Fertility Cleanse Kit follow the instructions that came with the kit.

If you are using the Fertility Steam, you should only steam during the follicular phase after your period ends and before ovulation begins.

Instructions for a 30 Minute Yoni Steam Session (without a burner)
  • Pour 1-2 litres of water into your yoni steam pot.
  • Place your steam pot on your cook-top/stove. 
  • Add a handful of your loose herbs to the steam pot.
  • Put the steam pot lid on.
  • Turn the heat of your cook-top/stove to medium and let the herbs cook for 10 minutes.
  • After 10 minutes the herbs will be ready.
  • Turn off the heat on your cook-top/stove. 
  • Pour the mix in your steam bowl and place inside your toilet bowl.  
  • Test the steam with your hand. If it’s too hot, let it cool for a minute. There is no benefit to it being too hot. The steam should be at a gentle and comfortable temperature.  
  • Your steam session is ready!
  • Remove your bottoms and take a comfy wide legged seat on the toilet seat.
  • Steam for 30 minutes or until the steam has completely disappeared. 

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